Career Center

How to Build a Successful Talent Pipeline

Many companies are switching to more proactive strategies instead of relying on organic applications. Organizations employ talent pipeline strategies to build relationships with potential employees before they begin considering working for them. A company that adopts this approach can fill open positions faster and attract talented professionals that allow them to remain competitive.
The purpose of this article is to explain talent pipelining, describe its benefits, and provide steps for developing a talent pool.

How does talent pipeline management work?

Developing relationships with talent pipelines is the process of identifying people who will benefit your organization at some point in the future. A proactive recruiting strategy looks for potential hires and contacts them before they are even considering changing jobs. A talent pool is a collection of prospective future recruits that recruiters and HR professionals can draw from when jobs open up in their organization. It's important for recruiting professionals who use talent pipelines to develop relationships with prospective candidates.

Pipeline benefits

Talent pipelining is a popular recruiting strategy that has many benefits for both individuals and organizations. Here are some potential benefits to consider when deciding whether talent pipelining is right for your organization:

Position of integrated recruiter

Your recruiters can fill roles that can integrate with the company's industry by using a talent pipeline. In a talent pipeline situation, recruiters often act as career counsellors as well as consultants, so they must learn as much as possible about the roles they will be filling. An experience like this can be rewarding for recruiting professionals. It is also possible for recruiters to find the right candidates for each position by having a close business integration.

Connecting with more meaningful people

The process of talent pipeline implementation involves establishing relationships with talented professionals in the industry, often long before they are in the market for new positions. Prospective hires and recruiters can both benefit from these deeper connections. Talented professionals may be more interested in working for companies that invest time and interest in their careers.

A faster hiring process

Hiring and recruiting can be expedited through the maintenance of a talent pipeline. The recruiter can immediately begin exploring potential new hires within their established pipeline when a position becomes available. In spite of the fact that some professionals in the pipeline may be satisfied with their present roles, others might be considering changing careers. It may be faster to attract and hire these individuals because they already have a positive professional relationship with the recruiter and the company.

Matching company culture

Pipelining talent can help recruiters determine how well their contacts will fit into different teams before hiring. The recruiter can learn about the preferred work style and environment of potential hires, for example, by developing professional relationships with them. Recruiters can also learn about the collaboration skills and social preferences of their potential hires, which can help them recruit a well-rounded and productive workforce.

Developing talent pipelines

Developing a talent pipeline for your business can be accomplished through the following steps:

1. Goal-setting

A clear set of goals is essential when designing a new process for the first time. Talent pipelines are developed in this way. Take some time to think about what you want your talent pipeline to achieve, how you are going to establish contacts, and how you will keep in touch with potential candidates. Develop specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals using the SMART goal framework.

2. Candidate identification and selection

Find potential new hires by developing a strategy. You may want to use online resources, such as professional social media sites. You might also consider hosting or attending events like job fairs to meet people who are interested in the job market in your domain. Using creative strategies such as providing referral incentives as well, because word-of-mouth can help build your network of potential new hires.

3. Talk to each other

Start a dialogue with potential hires after you've identified them. To support personal and professional relationships, utilise in-person networking whenever possible. Consider networking at industry events, such as conferences or other gatherings, to find potential future hires. If you would like to open a friendly dialogue with new contacts, you might send them an email in which you introduce yourself and explain your company.

4. Build relationships

Make sure you maintain your relationships with the professionals in your pipeline. To learn more about their skills, background, and personality, perform a soft vetting process early in your relationship. Whenever you think they might be good fit for your company, stay in touch by keeping in touch periodically. You might use phone calls, emails or in-person conversations to ensure you’re still aware of one another's circumstances and professional needs.

5. Recruiting prospective employees

In the event that your team has an opening, you can begin looking for candidates from your pipeline connections. Make a list of the people you have connected with and determine which might be a good fit for a particular job. In case some candidates are not interested in changing careers at that time, you can reach out to multiple candidates.

6. Stay connected

It is possible for some candidates not to be available for certain positions. There is also a possibility that they are available, but they may be more suitable for a different role. Keep in touch with potential hires who have been considered before, as they may make good candidates for future positions. In addition to referrals and network connections, these relationships can also help you build your pipeline further.

